Sunday, September 6, 2015

Word Count Week 2

As noted last week, I'll be doing a weekly post with daily progress reports.

Week of September 6-12

Sunday 9/6
Good start and one more chapter down. Hoping I can hold this momentum!

Monday 9/7

Tuesday 9/8
I'm seeing scenes everywhere, every moment of the day. Guess that means I'm getting my groove back!

Wednesday 9/9
Oops...late night and an early morning tomorrow. It was worth it, though. I just finished a great scene AND passed my word count for the week with three days remaining.

This pretty much sums up my mood right now...

Thursday 9/10
Yuck. After yesterday, today feels like a tremendous let down. Tomorrow, I'm hoping the kids will sleep so I have a few hours. I have a scene in my head begging to escape.

Friday 9/11 & Saturday 9/12
The end of the week was a whirlwind. I hate when life gets in the way of fantasy.
At least I made my word count for the week.

Total word count for the week: 6,323 of the 5,250 word goal